ABRYON is a 19 year old singer/rapper & songwriter from the west side of Charlotte, North Carolina. His Music has an R&B based background mixed with the recollection of street situations. Love & heartbreak makes it easy for him to maneuver back & forth from R&B to melodic rap. Other genres he’s dabbled in such as country & pop make him extremely versatile as well as a force to be reckoned with. The young artist achieves his goal of giving you a different sound on every song & leaves listeners satisfied, never knowing what to expect. Many supporters say he wears his heart on his sleeve, hence the alias “Purple hearted soldier”, that he chants proudly in the forefront of many of his tracks. “Purple Hearted Soldier”, refers to the Purple Heart award given to US military vets wounded in battle. The young artist feels this nickname suits him best considering his ability to keep moving forward, despite the pain brought on by heartbreak, the death of close friends & family & life itself. This honesty is evident in his music. Abryon makes you feel as if you know him personally or at least can relate to the pain he has experienced in life, which pours out through his music. The Angelic story telling punchline filled melodies of his tracks “Frontline”, “2020”, “Finger Roll” & “I Love You”, are Just a few examples of what Abryon is bringing to the table as an artist. Fans will not be disappointed! Stay tuned!